Privacy Policy


At NerdTeck, we are committed to your privacy. We will never rent or sell your information to 3rd parties.  Your information will only be used to measure site activity and to provide better functionality to you and make your experience on the website better. Here’s an explanation of how we use your information below.


Visiting and interacting with

Our site logs IP addresses so that we can track certain visitor activity (e.g., how many total visitors we have, the most popular pages of our site, etc.). We also use personal ‘cookies’ that remember your choices and help you navigate through the site.

All personal information such as name, email address, phone number or mailing address must be provided voluntarily by visitors to our websites.  All personal data collected by NerdTeck is securely stored and will be used solely for identification and/or purposes stated when the information is requested.

NerdTeck will not distribute or otherwise make available to third parties any information we collect on this site, unless it is necessary to process a financial transaction.  In that case, your information must be shared with our merchant account processor (either Authorize.Net or Paypal)  to clear the Address Verification Service.

Minors, as always, are encouraged to check with their parents before providing any information on any website they visit.

Opting out of bulk communications

NerdTeck occasionally sends bulk offers and updates via email.  You may opt out of receiving these by:

1. Clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each of these communications and filling in your email address, or

2. Sending an email to with the name and corresponding email address to opt out, or

3. Writing to the address on our contact page and include your contact details and the email address you would like removed from our bulk email list.

After opting out of our bulk newsletters, NerdTeck may still communicate with you by email to send business enhancing communications such as receipts, order confirmations, and any other communications that NerdTeck  deems necessary to conduct business.  It may take up to one week for your opt out to become effective.


Because your privacy is important to us, NerdTeck conducts its business under the following principles:

  • Principle 1: No Combination of Browsing and Web Traffic Information with Personal Information
    NerdTeck does not combine traffic analysis information with personal information such as name, age, phone number or mailing address.
  • Principle 2: No Aggregation of Individual Visitor Traffic Patterns across Multiple Sites
    NerdTeck does not collect individual profile information for visitors across multiple sites and does not aggregate information from any other sources on browsing patterns of individual visitors across multiple sites.
  • Principle 3: Use of Anonymous IP Address
    IP addresses are recorded by every site on the Internet. NerdTeck collects this information as well, but does so exclusively for the following uses: (1) anonymous statistical purposes; or (2) administration of our websites and servers, and to improve our services. NerdTeck aggregates information from all of its visitors into log files in order to measure the total number of visitors to the websites and how many visit each web page. This helps NerdTeck learn which areas are most popular for expansion, and which are least popular for reduction or elimination.
  • Principle 4: Anonymous Use of Cookies
    NerdTeck uses “cookies” – small pieces of code that help our system remember where you are in the site, what you’ve added to a shopping cart, and more.  Cookies are used only for more accurate anonymous traffic analysis. The cookie information does NOT include personal data such as name, age, phone number, e-mail address or mailing address. In addition, NerdTeck does NOT link cookies to personal data such as name, age, phone number, e-mail address or mailing address. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you would prefer, you can set your browser to reject cookies.
  • Principle 6: Limited Use of Cookies
    NerdTeck uses cookies to track information such as the time/date of the visit, the time/date of last visit, the page viewed, the referrer, transaction information, and other data. The cookies never include personal information such as name, mailing address or phone number. We do not collect such information via cookies and visitors that we track cannot provide us with personal information through normal movement across a web site. The cookie data that we do collect is never stored in any individual user profile; the data collected serves only to update aggregate counts allowing us to monitor traffic on our site. Visitors can also reject cookies.
  • Principle 7: No Individual Profiling
    NerdTeck does not create individual profiles for visitors. If you register an account on our site, we keep your email address and contact information, as well as a history of past orders for ease of re-ordering.
    All information collected is considered private and confidential unless (1) you have shared your own personal information in an online post, (2) we are required by law to disclose personal information, or (3) you violate our Terms of Use.
    NerdTeck reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website.
    If you would like to access, correct, amend or delete any personal information we have about you, opt-out of e-mail correspondence, register a complaint, or simply want more information, please contact us.

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